I just wanted to thank you for all the lovely messages you have been sending for Christmas and the New Year, I really am grateful for the connections we have maintained throughout the last year, and which we will continue to forge as we head into 2021.
It seems hard to believe that we are still here in the midst of this pandemic and that we all need to continue to take care of ourselves to stay safe and keep our health and wellbeing at the forefront of our lives.
The important thing to remember is that although everything feels a little broken, it can be fixed, and in the meantime we can adapt and maintain and work around the challenges that are being thrown at us.
For example, we can’t meet for group face-to-face classes, but the JTP Pilates family has maintained connections and community. And you are all finding individual ways of investing in these all-important friendships that have been formed over the years. I wanted to share a message I received just before Christmas, because when I read it I just thought WOW, how brilliant! … I absolutely love this:
My neighbour, Ruth and I have just done our last online Pilates class of 2020 (aided and abetted by various kids, cats and dogs)! We briefly met indoors but now I stream one of your (half-hour) recordings into a Zoom meeting each week for us to do together, at a time that suits work and school schedules! Without that appointment I'd never get round to doing Pilates.
You see I love the Live online classes, but I do understand that the times etc don’t always fit in with all other commitments — but what a brilliant way to find encouragement and stay motivated to keep your body moving!
If you are struggling with motivation to keep moving and you feel like the physicality of going out to attend a class was your motivation, then this is an example of how you can keep investing positively in your health and wellbeing, maintain connections, and keep your body moving.
Yes it is about being disciplined, but if you don’t like this word (it can feel a bit School-marm-ish) then simply remember how doing Pilates makes you feel — you know if you feel better physically then you can face things with a more positive mindset.
It's cold and dark now in the mornings, but if we can bottle and think about the end of the workout feeling, getting into your space for exercise, then you know how grateful you will feel afterwards when you have done it.
You will NEVER regret making it to the mat.