Confession time .....! I have been struggling with my mindset over the last few weeks, ever since taking a few days break from teaching online. It seems to have become a spiral of not sleeping well, headaches, worrying, lacking in energy ... having internal conversations of what if? ... but .... I should have .... Why haven’t
I? ... and so on.
Some of you may be able to relate to this. And what happens to me when I feel like this is that everything feels wrong. I over-analyse everything I do, I overthink things that are said to me, and I don’t even like to see myself, so the filming of classes at the moment is a struggle for me.
I recognise that this is a pattern of behaviour for me — a reaction to an event or occurrence. And indeed all of the above has been as a result of something that happened at the end of February. When I think back it wasn’t a massive event, but it obviously touched a nerve and lit the fuse to start off the spiral.
Now I could say well, I just need to choose to change how I react — and while this sounds quite positive, and I talk about choices all the time, it just isn’t that easy. It’s not that we can’t decide to choose to change, its that we don’t always recognise other choices available, no matter how commonsense they may appear to others.
So my goal for April is to work on discovering the other choices of response that are available to me when something negative happens. When my mindset is struggling my physical health and wellbeing also start to struggle, and I am tired of this reoccurring. I want to break the programmed reaction that I have obviously learned to associate with
the event. I have been working on mindful meditation which can help but I am going to add to this and work on my mindset so that I recognise options that will lead to a different outcome. It’s going to take time and repeated awareness of an alternative option of response until a whole new pattern of reaction is learned. But I have to do this, I have to invest in this for my own health....
If this sounds a familiar pattern for you, then please get in touch, and I can share my mindset matters practice with you.