A couple of weeks ago I shared that I was going to start working on my mindset and I am happy to say I have taken action and want to share some of the things I am learning with you.
Doing the work has reminded me how we work on our body, but we tend not to work on our mind or give our mind the same level of important care and attention. The problem with this is if the mind isn’t working for us the body won’t either. An unexplained pain in the body can often be related to an emotional issue.
For 95-96% of our time we operate in our subconscious brain which operates like a memory bank, and we may think we are making decisions, but actually they are patterns of behaviour. Only 4-5% of our actions and thoughts come from the conscious brain. For example what did you have for breakfast? I had porridge, I woke up and thought I will have porridge
for my breakfast today. Truth is I always have porridge. My subconscious brain told me to have porridge. If I went to the kitchen and had a muffin instead, that is my conscious brain breaking a pattern of behaviour.
It’s not that we don’t need our subconscious brain. We do, we just need to replace the memory bank if we seriously want things to change for the better. We have to connect with our conscious brain to change our thoughts, actions, behaviours. Once we start to practise and focus on the conscious brain, and making these changes we start to replace the memories,
break the habits held in the subconscious brain with more positive thoughts and we start to become more resilient as a result.
So let’s start with gratitude — spend this week practising some conscious gratitude.
Get a notebook, or just a piece of paper and when you wake in the morning, just jot down 3 things you immediately feel grateful for. Doesn’t have to be detailed, it could just be the lovely pillow you have slept on, your first cuppa of the day ... anything that helps you start your day. If we start to be consciously grateful, we become more grateful and this
helps us to be more conscious.
I will be sending more information out regarding my Mindset Matters Introductory Programme this week, look out for that landing in your inbox mid-week.