Did you know that we live in three states? The Past, Present and Future.
We spend time in all three, and —although we do need to be conscious of all three — it's important for our mindset that we find a balance.
Spending time in our Past state can cause us to worry: we find our mood is low, we feel weak, disempowered, sometimes it can cause us to feel depressed, and the mindset chatter uses words like should have, if only, I shouldn’t have... and the more time we spend here, the more this can happen — and we can spiral down
and feel it's difficult to change.
The Future state can cause stress, and while it is good to spend time in our Future state — particularly if we feel excited by an up-and-coming event, or a holiday — sometimes it can cause us to be fearful, we can become edgy, irritable, and we find our inner chatter uses words like what if, this could happen,
I hope.
We spend least time in the Present state, but when we do it's the only state where we have control. It can give us calm, strength, control, a feeling of empowerment, relaxed. We notice more, and feel more connected and have clarity of mind.
As I said at the start of this we do need all three states. The Past can provide memories that help us to learn, the Future can give us excitement and boost our mood, but the Present gives us clarity, peace of mind, joy in the moment and gratitude.
Learning to spend more time in the Present will really help us to live a more fulfilled life, so how can we do that? A good starting place is to practise being consciously present when you are doing something, whether it be having a shower, or taking part in a Pilates class — be in the room, be present, be purposeful.
Learn more with me by joining my introductory Mindset course — Changing your thoughts, beliefs and actions to reconnect and live a happier life. More news to come very soon.
Face-to-Face Classes
These are in the final stages of organising, and full news about our return of matwork Pilates classes to local venues will be in next week’s Newsletter if not before!