I hope you are having a good week.
One of the principles of Pilates as a teacher and as a practitioner is the Mind Body Connection.
When we move I want the movement to be purposeful, conscious movement because we know that when we focus on this we can feel what is happening to our body and it immediately feels different.
There is more to our Mind Body Connection than just noticing where we feel the movement. There are all the occasions when we suddenly get an ache or pain in an area of our body for no apparent reason other than we have had a stressful week, or we have experienced a major event which has affected not only our mental state but our physiological state.
Have you ever suddenly got a pain in your posterior when you have been dealing with a difficult situation at work for example?
Have you ever woken up with a heavy feeling in the body when you have been feeling stressed and worried?
Do you get tension headaches?
Do you get short of breath when you know you are having to face what could be a difficult situation?
Does your mouth get dry and do you go cold when having difficult conversations?
All of the above are related to our Mind Body Connection — they are a physiological response to our thoughts, feelings and beliefs.
In this week’s Self-Care Saturday session we will be looking at the Mind Body Connection and how we can work on our thoughts, feelings and beliefs to help calm our physiological response. How we can use the power of the breath, and learn how when we focus inwards this can have a ripple affect and result in feeling grounded and safe.
Join me from 8.45am on Saturday 25 June live in Zoom. The link for the meeting can be found on the members jtp.zone website. If you aren’t a member but would like to take part please email me so I can send you the link. The session is recorded and all recordings can also be found on the members website.
Bring your favourite cuppa and I will see you on Saturday.
Jane xx