Do you find yourself being in the present, appreciating the here and now OR do you find yourself constantly thinking about what happened last week, last month, OR even what if, but, perhaps … ?
These are the states we live in: the past, the present, the future — and when we are stressed and feeling anxious it is usually a sign that we are spending too much time in the past and the future state, and not enough time in the present state.
We need to be able to appreciate all three states, but we also need to find a balance between the three.
This weekend’s Self-Care Saturday session is all about how to find that balance.
I hope you can join me, 8.45am live in Zoom on Saturday 10 July.
Jane xx
PS The link to the session as usual is on the members website. If you are not a member, but would like to attend the session, you are welcome — just reply to this email to request it and I'll send you the link directly.