Week 2 — Live on Saturday 2 October from 8.30am in Zoom
This week we are looking at AWARENESS.
Sometimes we think we know ourselves and we think we know where our thoughts and feelings are coming from, but are we truly self-aware? And how does that affect our behaviour and the actions we take, the decisions we make?
This week, I will be introducing some ideas of how to improve our self-awareness, so we can change the stories we are telling ourselves on a daily basis.
By becoming more aware we can then choose to let those ‘stories’ spiral out of control, OR change the story to make it serve you better.
8.30am live in Zoom Saturday 2nd October — link to join is in the members website. OR reply to this Newsletter for the link, or more information.
To those people who are not JTP Members and have requested information and a link, please check your email (and Junk Mail folders) for my replies.
With love
Jane xx