Jane Thomas Pilates

Jane's Newsletter

Announcing Our Wellbeing and Movement Day

Published: Mon, 11/27/17

The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello We are keeping the Newsletter short and sweet this week, so the first thing I want to announce is our…

Let's have a big CHEER!

Published: Mon, 11/20/17

The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello I’ve been away for the weekend on a Movement Convention, all so that we can continue to keep up-to-date and…

JTP News

Published: Mon, 11/13/17

The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello Celebrating individualism this week. Everyone is different, everyone’s e perience is different, not one size…

Pilates in the here and now

Published: Mon, 11/06/17

The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello We still have some spaces available in some of our classes, right across the timetable at various venues and…

New Absolute Beginners Classes

Published: Mon, 10/30/17

The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello Our big news this week is about our new Absolute Beginners Courses starting in Loughborough, Sileby and…

Half-term week 2

Published: Mon, 10/23/17

The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello It's our second week off to cover all appropriate half-terms throughout Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and…

Half-term fortnight

Published: Mon, 10/16/17

The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello This week is the first week of our half-term. We have a fortnight because many of our classes are in the…

Super Workshops Ahead

Published: Mon, 10/09/17

The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello I want to introduce our Workshop Saturdays that we are planning to make available to our JTP family.Here are…

October - The Nights Are Growing Dark

Published: Mon, 10/02/17

The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello Last week was a bit of a testing week for us here at team JTP. We were a man down, as Helen was away taking…

Do You Have Time For Coffee? Don't Be Late!

Published: Mon, 09/25/17

The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello On Friday 29th September it is the MacMillan Big Coffee Morning, and some of you will remember that a few…

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