And they're off!
Published: Mon, 09/10/18
The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello Well it's here at last — the start of our new term of classes. We had our team BBQ at the weekend and…
Jane's Newsletter
Published: Mon, 09/10/18
The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello Well it's here at last — the start of our new term of classes. We had our team BBQ at the weekend and…
Published: Mon, 09/03/18
The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello Welcome September!Just a few classes running this week — while we finish off our summer timetable — then from…
Published: Mon, 08/27/18
The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello This week’s Newsletter is all about the start of our new year which all kicks off from Monday 10th September…
Published: Mon, 08/20/18
The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello We are heading towards the end of our Summer Timetable and I have really enjoyed teaching my classes as I…
Published: Mon, 08/13/18
The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello As we move towards the end of August it is time for us to start looking ahead and planning our new class…
Published: Mon, 08/06/18
The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello New Absolute Beginners Courses will be running from September, so if you are a reader of this Newsletter but…
Published: Mon, 07/30/18
The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello Lots to celebrate this week as we head towards August. As you all know, just over a year ago I had been…
Published: Mon, 07/23/18
The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello July is racing by and as I take a mini-break from coaching for a couple of weeks, it is at this time of year…
Published: Mon, 07/16/18
The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello Heading into holidays now so lots of your regular classes have specific dates when they are and aren’t…
Published: Mon, 07/09/18
The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello Summer TimetableWe are in our last week of term-time classes! So this is a final call — to all who do Pilates…