Keep Hammering Away…
Published: Sun, 11/21/21
The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello, Pilates Classes Week Beginning 22 November Online Classes Monday 8am — Kickstart Your Day — 15mins in Zoom…
Jane's Newsletter
Published: Sun, 11/21/21
The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello, Pilates Classes Week Beginning 22 November Online Classes Monday 8am — Kickstart Your Day — 15mins in Zoom…
Published: Sun, 11/14/21
The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello, If you've not already done so, it's not too late to sign up to the 3C’s Programme which starts tomorrow —…
Published: Sun, 11/07/21
The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello, Well, Hello November !! with a fizz, bang, pop !! The 3C's Programme Look out for the launch of my 3C's…
Published: Sun, 10/31/21
The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello, Last week was a great return to face-to-face classes and I just want to thank everyone for being respectful…
Published: Tue, 10/26/21
A Jane Thomas Pilates E traordinary Newsletter Hello, This is just a quick note to request that any face-to-face classmember who is going to miss a…
Published: Sun, 10/24/21
The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello, I hope you have had a good week… As a very quick update, Keith was discharged from hospital during the week…
Published: Sun, 10/17/21
The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello, LOST …. Wow what a week it has been … Most of you will know that Keith is in hospital, he has had a…
Published: Sun, 10/10/21
The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello, October has arrived and brings about a turn in the weather, falling leaves, crispness in the air, late…
Published: Thu, 10/07/21
The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello, This week’s session is all about ACCOUNTABILITY. Week 1 was Acceptance Week 2 was Awareness So Week 3 is…
Published: Sun, 10/03/21
The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello, I hope you have had a good week. Here’s the class news for this coming week: Pilates Classes Week Beginning…