Jane Thomas Pilates

Jane's Newsletter

Keep Hammering Away…

Published: Sun, 11/21/21

The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello, Pilates Classes Week Beginning 22 November Online Classes Monday 8am — Kickstart Your Day — 15mins in Zoom…

My 3C's Programme — Last Chance

Published: Sun, 11/14/21

The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello, If you've not already done so, it's not too late to sign up to the 3C’s Programme which starts tomorrow —…

Getting ready for the 3C's Programme

Published: Sun, 11/07/21

The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello, Well, Hello November !! with a fizz, bang, pop !! The 3C's Programme Look out for the launch of my 3C's…

November beckons...

Published: Sun, 10/31/21

The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello, Last week was a great return to face-to-face classes and I just want to thank everyone for being respectful…

Catchups Emergency!!!

Published: Tue, 10/26/21

A Jane Thomas Pilates E traordinary Newsletter Hello, This is just a quick note to request that any face-to-face classmember who is going to miss a…

Supporting Yourself

Published: Sun, 10/24/21

The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello, I hope you have had a good week… As a very quick update, Keith was discharged from hospital during the week…

Wow! What a Week!

Published: Sun, 10/17/21

The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello, LOST …. Wow what a week it has been … Most of you will know that Keith is in hospital, he has had a…

A Plan for October

Published: Sun, 10/10/21

The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello, October has arrived and brings about a turn in the weather, falling leaves, crispness in the air, late…

Self-Care Saturday — Week 3

Published: Thu, 10/07/21

The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello, This week’s session is all about ACCOUNTABILITY. Week 1 was Acceptance Week 2 was Awareness So Week 3 is…

Any Movement is Good Movement

Published: Sun, 10/03/21

The Jane Thomas Pilates Newsletter Hello, I hope you have had a good week. Here’s the class news for this coming week: Pilates Classes Week Beginning…

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